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About Us

about us

Mr. Jattin Asher

Jattin, with his extensive experience and in-depth theoretical knowledge has curated the program tapping upon components including Assessment of personality type, Learning style and learners type, multiple intelligent mapping, IQ, EQ, CQ and AQ, Water Therapy, Sound wave therapy and Super brain yoga to mention a few.

One thing that has clung to the Unconventional Trainer’s mind is the Law of Attraction which he adapts to while imparting knowledge to children. He urges the children to learn techniques to attract desired outcomes, maintain and enhance a positive approach in life, no matter what the circumstances may be.

Jattin successfully completed his NLP training in the year 2016 under the able guidance of Mr Ram Verma from the academy ‘Midas Touch.’ He first practiced NLP on himself, realizing that NLP traces its roots in psychology and neurology, and how the brain can be trained for the purpose of betterment, leading to a 360° personal transformation in his own life. He further researched and studied for sound reasons why NLP is compatible with current life scenarios, to which he found out-

Our value

We help make your dreams a reality.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Founded by Jattin, Push Your Limits has a vision to motivate children and youth to get rid of self- imposed boundaries and benefit in ways including:

Jattin is set out on a mission to endue young budding children and working professionals with an internationally approved Scientific approach to Enlighten Minds by Means of his company,“Push your Limits – Decode 100X.”

With the onset of the devastating pandemic in 2020, children were deprived of learning and growing in a natural environment, instead they were induced with the habit of online classes which took a severe toll on the mental and physical health of children and adolescents. Push Your Limits aspires to impact tens, hundreds, even thousands of young children around the world.

The Unconventional Coach has structured different programs including

Super Power Kids The sole motto of this training program is “Let your Child Grow and Develop in today’s digital world…with Wisdom”

Mapping the innate potential through a scientifically proven method

Developing the potential through workshop

Way Forward

Reinforcing Learning with Lifetime practise kits

Every journey starts with a first step.

4000 +
Happy Client
Success Client
0 +
Award Won
0 +
Years Experience

“Your handwriting is a reflection of your self-perception, while your signature is indicative of your view of the world outside.”

Mrs Asher’s motto is to keep it simple and provide easy and workable solutions to each and every person who needs to gain a better perspective and valuable insights.

For Dharini, Deep learning of a person’s signature can reveal his personality profile like fear, honesty, emotional state, thinking style and much more. Analyzing signature can help in predicting social skills, thinking style, work habits,achievements, etc. of the writer, which has fascinated her all her life. For 21 years now, Mrs Ashher believes that the purpose of Graphology is to give a realistic view on problems that confront people from all walks of life, every day of their lives.

For her, Graphology is a blend of art and science. It is a science because it measures the structure and movement of the written forms – slants, angles and spacing which are accurately calculated and the pressure is  observed in magnification and with precision. And it is an art because the graphologist has constantly to keep in mind the total context in which the writing is taking place: the ‘gestalt’ of the writing as a whole.

With a keen interest in exploring more, Dharini understood that Graphology not only examines behaviour, but the subconscious or the how’s and why’s that lie behind actions, providing information that could not be established in any other way or in such a quick time. This made graphology a very powerful tool for her.

In terms of educational qualifications, Mrs Ashher has successfully completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce and then went on to pursue a Post Graduate Diploma in Tourism Management. Throughout her journey, she met numerous people from different walks of life and was curious to know how handwriting impacted people and their behaviour.  Curiosity drove her to know the personality traits of a human through his/her writing. That’s when she embarked on a new path, a second profession to guide people to their ultimate destiny in the journey called Life.